
?? vs || Operator in Javascript

Jan 16, 2023
2 minutes

There are two operators ?? (Nullish coalescing operator) and || (OR Operator) which is confusing though their usage is almost similar but there is a subtle difference between the two which we will be going through in this post.

The Difference

The important difference between them is that:

|| returns the first truthy value 
?? returns the first defined value

The result of a || b is:

  • if the Boolean type conversion value of a is true i.e Boolean(a)=true, then a,
  • if the Boolean type conversion value of b is false i.e Boolean(a)=false, then b,

The result of a ?? b is:

  • if a is defined, then a,
  • if a isn’t defined, then b.

What does that mean?

Let’s see this through different examples:

Example 1

let discount = 0;

console.log(discount || 100); // 100
console.log(discount ?? 100); // 0

Here, the discount is 0 so

  • || will result to 100 since Boolean(0) = false
  • ?? will result in 0 because 0 is defined

Example 2

let discount = 1;

console.log(discount || 100); // 1
console.log(discount ?? 100); // 1

Here, the discount is 1 so

  • || will result to 1 since Boolean(1) = true
  • ?? will result in 1 because 1 is defined

Example 3

let discount = null;

console.log(discount || 100); // 100
console.log(discount ?? 100); // 100

Here, the discount is null so

  • || will result in 100 because it evaluates null as false since Boolean(null) = false
  • ?? will result in 100 because null is undefined

Example 4

let discount = "";

console.log(discount || 100); // 100
console.log(discount ?? 100); // ""

Here, the discount is an empty string so

  • || will result in 100 because it evaluates an empty string as false since Boolean("") = false
  • ?? will result in “” because an empty string is defined in JS

Using ?? with && or ||

Javascript forbids using with ??, || and && together. It will raise Syntax Error.

let x = 1 || 2 ?? 3; // Syntax error

However you can use explicit parentheses to work around it:

let x = (1 || 2) ?? 3; // 1


  • The nullish coalescing operator ?? provides a short way to choose the first “defined” value from a list.
  • It’s used to assign default values to variables:
discount = discount ?? 10 // assigns discount as 10 if its null/undefined
  • The OR operator || provides a short way to choose the first truthy value from a list.
  • You cannot use operators ?? with && or || together. You need to use explicit parantheses